Monday, October 29, 2007

pbf @ hugh's room on tuesday


gratitudes and congratulations to the good folks who put together this weekend's SOUNDplay Festival (new adventures in sound art, the goethe institut, pleasure dome, and music gallery) for their excellent programming. well done.
i attended three events: TEXT OF LIGHT, in performance; TEXT OF LIGHT in conversation; and david lang's ELEVATED. fantastic. music and images: fleeting specificity and random abstraction. curiously interesting and often stirring. smart and thoughtful and totally engaging.

and on an altogether other note...
a horse of a different colour...
a whole new kettle of fish...

i'll be singing backup with porkbelly futures
tomorrow night at hugh's room.

porkbelly futures
with paul reddick
hugh's room
tuesday october 30

2261 dundas st west
show starts around 8:30
dinner from 6:00
reservations 416 531 6604

a rare toronto show, in anticipation of the february release of porkbelly futures' second, self-titled CD, and to celebrate the european release, on november 12, of 2004's way past midnight.

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